Dr. Phung Van Bang


Dr. Phung Van Bang                                  

Position/Title: President
Email: phungvb@earth.sinica.edu.tw
Education: PhD from Department of Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University in 2018.
Affiliation/Organization: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Field of expertise: Dr. Phung received his PhD from Department of Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University in 2018. He has extensive experience in the development of ground motion prediction models for engineering design or analyses. From year of 2015 to 2018, he had been involved in developing design ground motions for National Research on Earthquake Engineering within the framework of the Taiwan Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee Level 3 projects including dams, bridges, and nuclear power plants, nuclear waste repositories, water and gas pipelines, rail lines, ports, landfills, hospitals, electric substations, and office buildings. In 2020, he joined in Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, UC Berkeley, USA. He is responsible for developing earthquake ground model for seismic evaluations of California facilities including nuclear power plants, nuclear water storage, dams, penstocks, electric substations, office buildings, and gas pipelines.

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